Woman in a sexual relationship with a plane for nine years says she’s finally broken up with it

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A woman who was in a sexual relationship with a plane for nine years has said she’s finally broken up with it.

Michele Kobke first met ‘Schatz’ (darling in German) in May 2014 at Berlin Tegel airport.

The 30-year-old was attracted to the 737-800 Boeing plane’s wings, winglets and thrusters and carried out a long-distance relationship with it.

Kobke previously said her ‘biggest dream’ was to be married and live with the plane, adding: “I sleep with my darling every night, either with real components like the spoiler, flap track fairing and tank valve or five-foot-two model; intimacy is part of our relationship.”

Kobke and Schatz the plane (MDWFeatures)

However, after nearly a decade of their relationship, the German woman has confirmed to Bild that she and the plane are ‘separated’.

Although, it seems Kobke and the plane have stayed on good terms and the breakup wasn’t too messy as she did add: “We’re still friends.”

Her romance with Schatz comes alongside her being classified as having objectophilia.

For anyone who somehow hasn’t fell down that rabbit hole on YouTube, this is when a person develops romantic, emotional or sexual feelings towards inanimate object rather to another person.

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