Social Media Is Divided Over Which Building Is Closer

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One of the more interesting pastimes is looking at optical illusions. These are images that make you wonder what you are actually seeing and could cause you to question your ability to see things properly.

Optical illusions are often a problem to resolve because there is more information coming to your brain than your brain can process from your vision. There are also times when things just look amazingly unusual, and it can be difficult to piece them together.

This image created an optical illusion that had many people wondering and even arguing over the true view of what was being seen. It was of two apartment buildings that overlapped each other and it is difficult to tell which one is in the front and which one is in the back.

If you look carefully at the image, you might feel as if you can figure it out but as you stare at it, it seems as if the other building will suddenly come more into focus. This really is one of the better optical illusions we have seen in a very long time.

After it was posted on Reddit, there were many people who continued to argue over which building was closer. Many were adamant in their judgment of the closer building, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they were right.

Take a close look at the building and tell me, which one is closer?

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