To the doctor, the older man boasts

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For his yearly physical, a 92-year-old man visited the doctor.

The 92-year-old guy responded, “Things are great, and I’ve never felt better,” when the doctor inquired how he was feeling.

“My 20-year-old bride is currently expecting my child.”

“Do you think that’s okay, doctor?”

After giving the question some thought, the doctor started to narrate a story.

“Like you, I have an older friend who hunts a lot and never misses a season.”

“He was going hunting one day when he unintentionally forgot to bring his ammunition because he was a little distracted.”

He saw a very pleasant beaver playing at the water’s edge as he got closer to a lake.

“By now, he realized that he couldn’t shoot the magnificent creature because he had left his ammunition at home.”

However, he raised his preferred hunting rifle, pointed it down, and let out a “bang bang.”

Amazingly, the beaver was killed after two rounds were fired.

The doctor said, “Now, what do you think of that?”

“Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver,” the older man added after giving his chin a contemplative scatch.

The physician gave a nod.

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