The artist returning with new heart-wrenching works after making people cry with her grim reaper animal comics

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Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster as we examine Jenny-Jinya’s most recent passionate masterpiece. Jenny is well-known for her tearjerking cartoons that shed light on important issues. Her most recent work explores issues of death and life through the story of beloved pets—a loyal dog, a dedicated cat, and treasured pet parrots that have crossed the rainbow bridge.

Jenny revealed that her passion for drawing has been a lifelong obsession: “My mother always said I drew before I could walk.” I picked up a pencil as a child and never stopped scribbling. Yes, I have always wanted to be an artist. “I wanted to tell stories and build worlds.”

We must caution you that some stories may softly pull at your heartstrings before you scroll down. Prepare the tissues!

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“It reminds me of you”

Image credits: jenny_jinya

Jenny claimed that her sympathy for the Reaper inspired her to create “Life.” Despite his pleasant demeanour, she finds his job depressing and lonely. People mistreat him and blame him for a lot of things.

Jenny, on the other hand, wants us to recognise that the Reaper is just one aspect of existence. She believes that life is the only thing that truly understands and appreciates him.

“I can still hear them sometimes.”

Image credits: jenny_jinya

Jenny plans to go further into her artistic process once more. We asked about the inspiration behind the artist’s comics with such deep and emotional themes because she is an artist that brings emotions to life via her work. In Germany, “Weltschmerz” refers to the “painfully felt melancholy that someone feels about their own inadequacy,” Jenny explained. You read and hear about so many terrible things happening in the world, yet you are unable to stop them all. This sentiment inspired the original Loving Reaper comic, which told the story of an abandoned dog longing for his family.This happens millions of times a year; I hope death is crueller than humans, I thought to myself.

“Death and Life agreed to switch roles.”

“Mystery Resolved “

Image credits: jenny_jinya

“They’ll wait for you no matter what.”

The artist stated that she frequently receives comments from readers recounting both small and huge acts of bravery. She takes great joy in these messages, but what’s even more remarkable is that people are acting on their moral convictions irrespective of her cartoons. “However, they occasionally make the genuine claim that they were inspired by a certain comic. After I launched “Black Cats,” I was besieged with photos of recently adopted black cats, accompanied by the sardonic statement, “It’s all my fault.” I occasionally receive updates on their progress. I periodically hear that an animal sanctuary has named an animal after me, or that donations have been made in my honour. That is just wonderful!

However, I frequently receive comments from people of various ages who say that one of my comics has finally made them cry after being unable to do so for a long time. My tiny, quick comics make a fantastic impact. It gives me such indescribable delight.

“For the companions who strayed and did not come back”

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