Cartoons have always been drawn by Julie Hang. Ever since her early childhood. Julie’s Dedication To Her Little Day Is Not Enough, Though. Keep yourself apart from other people and convince yourself that it’s alright since she’s “not like other girls.”
I was a nervous, embarrassed child who found it difficult to make friends. I assumed I wouldn’t be like the other girls instead of trying to identify my issue and try to solve it. I felt that it was a “cool” thing to do when I talked about other girls.
Credit: Juliehang.Com | Instagram
The artist said, “I became judgmental and presumptuous about my peers before I even knew them. I also stereotyped other girls.” “I deliberately avoided stereotypes by not allowing myself to engage in activities that I assumed “other girls” would find enjoyable, such as shopping, grooming, and getting their nails done.” Indeed. Later on, I realized how much I was enjoying it!
But as time went on, Julie matured as a person in addition to an artist. He Started To See That Getting Bitter Does Not Lead To Anything Positive. My perspective was widened by meeting and getting to know more people, particularly during my time at summer camp in high school and art school afterwards.
Everyone had a clean slate, and I was free to abandon all the labels and stereotypes I had been putting on the other girls I had been chasing for so long. That’s what I did, then. What Followed Can Only Be Called An Affidavit: I was severing my ties to the people I felt most a part of. “Other Girls” Were Mine, and We Had A Lot In Common! There are girls that are unique in their own right. I have made lifelong friends from a wide range of backgrounds and interests who are intelligent, humorous, kind, and gentle.
Here’s What People Said About Julie’s Humor And The General Title “I Don’t Like Other Girls”