A young girl’s fortunes have altered after she was rejected by her mother and subsequently by 20 possible adoptive homes.
The story of Luca Trapanese’s road to adopting baby Alba has gone viral for various reasons, the most important of which may be that social services rarely grant custody to a single, homoseual male.

Nonetheless, they made an exception in Luca’s instance… and we’re so grateful.
According to the BBC, 41-year-old Italian Luca released a book in which he chronicles his road to become the father of Alba, a child with Down syndrome.
Trapanese stated on the radio that his situation is unique because it “destroys stereotypes about fatherhood, religion, and family.”

Adoptions for gay and single parents have traditionally been a difficult process in Italy.
“I was told that I’d only be given a child with an illness, a severe disability or with behavioral problems,” he told the BBC. “I was absolutely OK with that.”
Alba was adopted by Luca in 2017 when she was only 13 days old and had already been passed over by 20 families due to her health.
“She brought me happiness and a sense of fulfilment. I am proud to be her dad,” he said.

Luca had worked in a number of special needs care facilities and had always wanted to be a parent. His desire to help others began when he was 14, following the death of his best buddy to cancer.
He volunteered for Catholic-affiliated groups, often assisting the critically ill or crippled. That’s why, despite the fact that he didn’t have a spouse, he decided to go ahead with the adoption of Alba, who now lives happily with her father.
Alba, according to the BBC, is a determined young child who can be obstinate at times. She enjoys the company of others and enjoys playing and dancing.

“It was the first time I’d held a newborn baby. Before that moment, I had always been scared. But, when I first held Alba, I knew I was ready to be her dad,” he said. “I was overcome with joy. I felt she was my daughter straight away.”
It’s been a couple years since Luca and Alba’s adorable romance became viral. Fans may still follow their trip and daily lives on Luca’s Instagram, where he has over 320 000 followers.
The couple enjoys spending time together and makes the most of their days.Of course, the epidemic has had an impact on their life, but seeing their loving bond is incredibly inspirational. They enjoy being outside, going on trips around Italy, painting, meeting friends, and enjoying each other’s company

We’re sending all our best wishes in the direction of Luca and Alba! Luca is clearly a man with a big heart, and thanks to him this little girl has a bright future ahead of her.
Please share this article if you, too, were touched by what Luca has done.