If you see a man with one painted fingernail, here’s what it means

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While traveling through Cambodia, Elliot Costello had a life-changing encounter with a young girl named Thea. Her bright smile and painted nails hid a dark secret: she had been a victim of sexual assault. This meeting ignited a fire within Elliot, inspiring him to launch the #PolishedMan movement, a crusade to end sexual violence against children.

Thea’s story left an indelible mark on Elliot. He promised to keep one nail painted, a constant reminder of her suffering and the shocking statistic that one in five children will experience sexual abuse. This pledge became the catalyst for #PolishedMan, a movement that challenges men to take action against child abuse.

By painting one nail, men symbolically represent the one in five children affected by sexual violence. The movement’s mission is to spark conversations, inspire new prevention strategies, and raise funds for educational programs supporting child survivors of abuse. With men responsible for 96% of child abuse worldwide, Elliot believes they must lead the charge against this heinous crime.

Through #PolishedMan, Elliot aims to create a global community of like-minded individuals committed to ending child abuse. His message is clear: it’s time for men to take responsibility and drive change. Will you join the movement and paint a nail to show your support? Together, we can make a difference and create a safer world for all children.

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