One sense of accomplishment comes from stepping up, but another comes from out-performing someone who is obviously in the wrong. This piece is therefore dedicated to those people who choose to stop the nonsense and offer a public service for everyone instead of remaining mute in the face of misleading claims, fake news, or flawed reasoning.
With the help of the 830,000-strong and continuously expanding r/CleverComebacks subreddit, we have compiled a list of some of the best and most clever comebacks. Check out our earlier post on clever comebacks, scroll down, and upvote the best comebacks.
We also had a conversation with actress, stand-up comedian, and improviser Abigail Paul, who has been lecturing schools, companies, and groups throughout Germany since 2001 on using theater skills for reasons other than the stage. Abigail gave us tips on how to become better listeners as the first step toward enhancing our comeback abilities. Watch the interview down below!
If You Don’t Want To Get Tested, Don’t Apply

Morning Coffee vs. Morning People

“Markets Unable To Adapt To New Generation Of Consumers”

Make sure to follow Abigail on Twitter as she is currently hard establishing “English Comedy Frankfurt,” a new organization dedicated to comedy and shows in Frankfurt.
She went on, “The key to any comeback is connection.” If you are truly listening to someone and connecting with them, you are taking them in completely, understanding who they are and the situation you are in.
According to Abigail, we typically make this assessment unintentionally. We often evaluate other people without even realizing it. We are too preoccupied with ourselves to notice this too frequently.
Kid Has A Bright And Shocking Future In Front Of Him


Bill Bur Is A Legend

“I impart improvisational guidelines and principles to my students. We give the phrase “status” exercises and games, coined by improv maestro Keith Johnstone, credit for helping us understand topics like status moves and how to give a character in a scene a greater or lower status. As you practice this theatrically, you begin to see real-world examples of status “wars.” Ultimately, it generally ends up being humorous on stage. In actuality, anything can happen.
Some Good Luck!

Who Orders Small Coffee Anyway?

Cry Me A River That Flows 5 M/S²

Stealing The Rainbow

I Choose You, Bunny!!!!

Education Is Vitally Important, After All