Betraying and Lying: A Nightmare for College Funds

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Angelica’s life turned upside down when her ex-husband casually told her that he was using their son’s college fund to pay for his stepdaughter’s class. “I earned that money, not you!” was his defense. Because Angelica was so angry, she decided to talk to a lawyer.

When she had to meet with her lawyer right away, things took a dramatic turn, and the shocking truth came out. The money wasn’t needed because the stepdaughter had already earned a full scholarship. As the probe went on, it became clear that his wife had been hiding thousands of dollars in an account while lying to him for years.

The wife lied about more than one thing. She admitted that she was making plans to leave and had already found a new partner. Their impending split made Angelica very upset, and she didn’t know how she would pay her son’s college costs in the future.

Angelica’s situation brings up important questions: How can she look out for her son’s best interests? What legal options are there? Her painful experience is a stark warning of how important it is to be careful about protecting your children’s financial futures.

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