In a world where technology has become an extra pair of eyes for parents, nanny cams have provided more than just peace of mind—they’ve captured moments that are downright bizarre. From unexpected guests to nanny antics, these cameras have caught it all.
- “My old roommate has two kids of his own. The older kid (3) deactivates the baby monitor cam when he and his sister want to do something they’ll get in trouble for. Kid even waves bye to the camera before he pulls the plug.” Flynn_lives / Reddit
- “Using a baby monitor to care for aging parent. My sister comes in and tries to convince my dad to cut me out of the will and give everything to her.”
- TooPrettyForJail / Reddit
- “My buddy has a camera that sits on his doorstep. It has a motion sensor and every time it detects someone or something on the porch, it snaps a photo and sends it to his phone.
It’s a Sunday morning, and for once, his two-year-old isn’t shouting into his bedroom to get him out of his crib. Ah, yes. A rare morning to lay in bed. His phone goes off.
A photo of a little red-headed boy reaching out of the front door to grab a package appears. And that’s how he discovered that his son could get out of the crib.” Kalae / Reddit

- “Our crib was under a window (shut and locked, don’t worry). Every few days or so, a hawk or some other kind of large bird would land on the outside of the window. The bird and my daughter would sit there for a good 10 minutes, bobbing their heads at one another. It was adorable, despite the fact the bird probably wanted to eat her.” __Iniquity__ / Reddit
- “Buddy of mine had a kid at the beginning of last year, and discovered that both his cat and his beagle would climb into the crib with the baby occasionally during naps, cute right? Both animals made it a habit to climb in, kick/push the baby to the very side of the crib, and curl up in the middle completely alone, you’d catch them glaring at the kid if he started to roll back over and invade their space.” crushing2013 / Reddit
- “Not a nanny cam, but one of the audio ones so you can hear if they’re crying or whatever else might be going on. I was up very early one morning (~5 am) getting a little work done in my house office. Had the thing with me, so I could hear my baby daughter, about 2 months old at this point.
Suddenly, I hear a woman talking very, very softly. My whole body went cold, and I stopped everything to make sure it wasn’t just my imagination. Yes, I still hear it.
At the same instant that I prepare to dash into her room, I hear a little more and realize I’m hearing an autoplay video/audio ad on a tab in my web browser coming from my computer speaker, which was turned down really low. I thought my heart would never slow back down.” Unknown author / Reddit
- “When I’m home from college, I babysit for these pretty wealthy people. At the time, the boys I would babysit were about 2 years old and 9 months old. It was summer and I had laid the younger one down for a nap, then took the monitor out with me to the backyard, so the two-year-old could play.
I hear the sound going off and see arms reaching into the crib to the sleeping baby. I grabbed the two-year-old, a knife, and slowly walked upstairs. Their grandma had come to see if I needed any help, but didn’t have my number, so she didn’t text me she was there. ” foolsdayeveryday / Reddit
- “There was a small hair or thread on the camera lens of the monitor, and it looked like something moving under our son’s blanket. Very creepy.” wuptedu / Reddit
- “Back when mom worked at Hewlett Packard, one of her coworkers used a nanny cam for all three of her babies. But on baby number 3, the older two found out about it and started doing things like dancing or jumping around and making funny faces in front of it, or doing things like lining up the toysto face the camera.” CrazyCoKids / Reddit

- “My cousin has a video baby monitor that connects over Wi-Fi. Her husband travels a lot and likes to check on the baby at weird hours without having to wake his wife, so he can just log on. It also has a microphone feature so he can talk to his daughter. She is two now, but was about 18 months old when this happened.
She was inconsolable one night and my cousin kept having to go soothe her back to sleep. On the third or fourth time entering her room, she heard a man’s voice, not her husband, talking to her crying baby. She changed the password and sent out a warning to other parents to change their passwords. Scary stuff.” sheilador / Reddit- “I look at the baby monitor and see a ghost. I do a double take; yep, it’s really real and on the monitor hovering and swirling around my infant son. My brain jumps, what do I do?
Should I go grab my son? This can’t be real. Maybe the ghost is harmless. Should I get my camera? No one will believe it. I don’t believe it.
Is the ghost going to hurt the baby? I can’t believe this is happening. Will the ghost hurt the baby if I interrupt? Think logically. It’s not a ghost. It’s not a glitch. It’s definitely in the room, hovering over the baby.
Think. Breath. Calm. Think. Oh, it’s the camera light reflecting off the vapor from the humidifier we installed this morning. LOL. Ghosts, I knew I didn’t believe in those.” ecafyelims / Reddit