Every summer, the media criticizes women’s bodies in a huge way, paying close attention to every detail. The repeated shaming has turned into an upsetting routine that keeps up unrealistic standards. But why does this show keep happening, and what does it say about how people feel about women’s bodies?
Body shaming goes crazy every year, and camera photos and harsh news stories make it worse. People make fun of women who wear bikinis, especially those who are “too old” or “too big.” Women feel like they have to meet impossible beauty standards because of all the negative feedback they get.
Every part of women’s bodies is looked at and judged like they belong to everyone else. The “bikini body” ideal has led to a lot of fad diets and health goods, which reinforces the idea that women should always try to look their best. People don’t like it when people age smoothly, and anyone who doesn’t follow these rules is made fun of.
This difference in standards is very clear. Older men celebs in swim trunks don’t get as much attention, but women get a lot of harsh criticism. The long lenses of the paparazzi catch times that aren’t flattering, which leads to mean comments on social media and in tabloids.
The effect on mental health is terrible. Body shaming can make you feel bad about your own body and cause mental health problems. These unrealistic standards make women feel bad about themselves and like they’re not good enough.
We need to take back the story if we want to get out of this bad loop. Women are fighting back by supporting body acceptance and accepting everyone. The media and paparazzi need to take responsibility for spreading harmful notions.
Let’s stop shaming people for their bodies and start praising our differences. No matter what size or age, every body should be treated with care. Let’s change the story this summer: women should be able to wear whatever they want without being judged.