Good intentions don’t always guarantee a happy or successful outcome. Even the most well-meaning people can make significant mistakes, and that’s okay. In this compilation, we’ve gathered the most jaw-dropping, unbelievable, and curious stories with disastrous endings. While they may have been shocking or frustrating at first, they eventually became compelling tales shared with millions online.

- A woman had a gynecologist appointment one afternoon. Before leaving home, she used a little feminine deodorant spray, just in case.
She arrived at her appointment and was assisted into the stirrups for her pelvic exam. The doctor took a quick look and said, “My, aren’t we fancy today!”
To her horror, she realized that she hadn’t used her feminine deodorant spray; instead, what she had actually used was her daughter’s glitter hairspray. © Eroe777 / Reddit
- In the 90s (pre-Facebook), soon after graduating from college, I had a girlfriend who decided to clean up my computer desk area without asking me first. She threw out a bunch of random pieces of paper, including those with the phone numbers of several college friends.
I lost contact with many of them forever since their numbers were on those papers, and I had recently switched phone carriers and phone numbers around that same time. © HandyD***kard / Reddit
- I stopped to help a woman change her tire (this was before cell phones), and she initially declined, saying she would call roadside assistance. I convinced her to let me change it anyway, wanting to help a fellow woman learn to be self-sufficient. Unfortunately, I placed the jack in the wrong spot, and there was a loud cracking sound as a large piece of her car—about 3 feet long and a foot wide—ripped off. © OVEiTeNt / Reddit

- At my friend’s wedding, some of their parents’ friends, who they didn’t really want to invite, took it upon themselves to go to the table with all the presents, remove all the envelopes attached to each individual present, and neatly put them all together in the corner of the table.
My friends realized they did this during the wedding, which was unfortunate. The couple thought they were doing something really nice, but my friends had no idea who gave what as a gift. The bride was not happy. © Unknown author / Reddit
- Some friends were helping me move. While the rest of us were outside, one friend decided to push the couch closer to the door to make it easier to carry out. He ended up scratching the entire floor, and I lost my deposit because of it. © nononothatwasntme / Reddit
- I was bought skincare products because my dad had very bad acne, and I inherited his genes, resulting in severe acne as well. Unfortunately, I ended up with my facial skin peeling off and giant red bumps oozing pus every hour or so because I was allergic to some of the ingredients. This happened because it was believed that “it’s gonna help.” © TacoNamedDan / Reddit
- In high school, I complained to the coordinator that the teacher hadn’t covered material that was on a test. I was trying to help my classmates, but it turned out that this had happened before, and the teacher ended up getting fired. © Nildelmo / Reddit
- I called the police and paramedics on a friend who lives in another country because she didn’t pick up the phone after saying she would be back from doing laundry in 15 minutes. It turned out her phone was on silent, and she had fallen asleep. She woke up to the police knocking at her door.
© SuaveAfficionado / Reddit