Dad Fatally Beats Man Who Followed His Daughter Into Restroom, Learns Fate.

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41-year-old father Melvin Harris pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The Phoenix father, who maintained that he killed a man while defending his daughter, had initially been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the incident that occurred on August 2, 2018.

The confrontation took place at a QT gas station near 19th and Dunlap avenues. After his daughter exited the restroom, she informed him that a man had attempted to enter her locked stall. Following this, security personnel escorted the man, identified as Leon Armstrong, out of the restroom, and Harris’s daughter was able to point him out.

Witnesses reported that Harris approached the security guard and insisted he would handle the situation himself. He then confronted Armstrong, allegedly punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground. Harris continued to assault Armstrong before leaving the scene. Unfortunately, Armstrong sustained a severe brain injury from the altercation and died a few days later.

This story, originally reported in November 2019, highlights the complexities surrounding parental instincts and the legal consequences of taking matters into one’s own hands. The outcome of Harris’s plea will likely raise ongoing discussions about self-defense, accountability, and the tragic consequences that can arise during such conflicts.

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