Pixie and Brutus is a webcomic series that centers on a small, happy, adorable kitten and her giant, scarred German Shepherd partner. It is sure to bring together fans of cats and dogs. The beautiful animal adventures started off as a random funny comic concept, according to cartoonist and inventor Ben Hed, who spoke with Bored Panda. However, he continued the series since the public like it so much. With a 1.7 million-strong Instagram following, Pixie and Brutus continue to delight fans with their lighthearted, charming, and playful tales. These mischievous pets are guaranteed to make you smile, regardless of whether you have already seen their comic strip or are unfamiliar with the story of their unusual animal bond.
More Info: Website | Instagram | Patreon


While meeting demand could put some under strain, Hed has utilized it as motivation to push himself, as evidenced by his previous statement, “I do worry about each comic’s performance, but I worried about that before I created Pixie and Brutus too.” His Instagram following significantly expanded after that interview, which he claimed never stopped shocking him.