On the 30th anniversary of Friends, star Aisha Tyler talks about how she feels about the show’s noticeable lack of variety. Tyler history as the first Black actor to get a regular part on the show. He played Charlie Wheeler, a palaeontology professor who fell in love with Ross.
Tyler felt at home on Friends because the group was friendly and treated her with respect. She does admit, though, that the show’s lack of no
variety was a big problem, even when it was first airing. “For a show that was set in the heart of Manhattan, it really lacked diversity,” Tyler said.

Since then, the show’s writers, including Marta Kauffman, have admitted that there wasn’t enough variety and said they’re sorry they didn’t do more to show how diverse New York City is. Even better, Kauffman has promised $4 million to help fund African and African American studies at Brandeis University as a way to support more diversity.
Tyler’s words show how biassed the entertainment business has been for a long time, favouring white stories over different points of view. “That’s just been the attitude in Hollywood for a long time,” Tyler said. Even with these problems, she praised David Schwimmer for pushing for more variety on the show when it was first airing.

Friends is still praised for how it changed popular culture, but its lack of variety is still a big complaint. But with cast members like Aisha Tyler’s thoughts on the show’s impact, it can also start new talks about diversity and participation in the entertainment business.