Artist Create 3 Pixie And Brutus Comics That Will Make You Cry

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One of those webcomics that makes people smile no matter what kind of day they’ve had is Pixie and Brutus. One of the reasons Ben Hed, the man who draws them, has 2.4 million Instagram followers is because of these two endearing little animals. But Ben doesn’t feel any more pressure now that he has a horde of admirers. I’m worried about how each comic turns out, but that was also the case for me before I made Pixie and Brutus.

My constant goal is to improve. I’m currently working on getting Brutus and Pixie plushes; I’m not sure when they’ll be finished, but I can’t wait for them to be released. Ben has been working as a full-time illustrator lately. “I See The Sun Much Less, Hehe. I used to work outside all the time when I was a construction worker, but these days I spend my entire day in my dark, covered office with no reflections on the screen.I’m kidding. Yes, it’s true, but you don’t sound sorry—in fact, you shouldn’t have changed jobs in the first place. I’m thankful and fortunate to be paid for my love of illustration.





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