A poor man decided to get rich

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A man told his wife, “I’m tired of being poor; I’m going to work overseas.
”The lavish and luxurious appearance of his home as he approached left him speechless.

Thus, he packed and left for Africa. He came back some years later.

He knocked on the door, and the servant came to let him in.

He asked “Is the housewife in?”
The servant quickly said, “Just a moment.”

The wife came in, looking so different: “Well, well, my man.. dressed up like a million bucks. After all these years.

Husband: I am finally rich, honey!
Wife: How?

Husband: I traveled to Africa and saw people going barefoot and sleeping in the sand, so I made and sold underwear and mattresses to solve those problems.
Demand was so tremendous that it quickly made me wealthy.

The wife answered: A guy of your power had to go to Africa and make beds and underwear in order to grow rich, and here I am, a tiny lady who stayed at home without her own set of underwear and only one bed. Guess what? I am now filthy rich.

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