Gruesome simulation showing why you should not pluck nose hair has ‘unlocked new fear’ in people

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The video has been freaking people out as a doctor backs it up

We all have our own weird little habits and things that we obsess over always making sure we do, even if we don’t necessarily need to.

Maybe you are fixated with filing your nails or gelling your hair in a very specific way so it doesn’t move all day.

Or perhaps you’ve got an absolute thing about always plucking your nose hair and can’t bear the thought of even one little strand peeking out of your nostril.

But that might not be a particularly good habit for your health as a gruesome simulation showing why you should not pluck your nose hair has ‘unlocked a new fear’ for people.

The simulation has been creeping people out. (YouTube/@zackdfilms)

The simulation has been creeping people out. (YouTube/@zackdfilms)

Shared to a YouTube channel filled with simulations that might leave you feeling pretty creeped out, the clip shows the hairs growing up inside the nostril.

It explains: “Most people just go ahead and pluck out unwanted nose hairs but should you actually do this?”

And, well, short answer is simply no, you shouldn’t.

The video goes on to explain: “These hairs actually act as a filter preventing harmful irritants from entering your nasal passage and plucking then out removes this filter, allowing bacteria to freely flow into your respiratory system.”

People might not think this is exactly a ‘big deal’ but, well, they’re wrong basically.

“In rare cases this bacteria can travel from the nose to the brain causing serious complications,” it concludes.

Doctors advice to trim, not pluck. (YouTube/@zackdfilms)

Doctors advice to trim, not pluck. (YouTube/@zackdfilms)

In a previous Instagram video, NHS doctor, Karan Rajan, also explained why you should ‘never pull out your nose hairs’.

He said: “You have two types of nose hairs. You have microscopic cilia, these filter mucus and send it to the back of the throat where it ends up in the stomach, and vibrissae, the big ones you want to yank out.”

And Dr Rajan went on to explain that the nose hairs keep out large particles from making it into the back of the nose.

“If you pluck these big boys, germs around the follicle can get inside, causing infection,” he said.

“Because of the danger triangle, it can cause brain infections. That’s because the same veins that carry blood out of the nose meet up the veins that carry blood out of the brain,” he continued.

“So if the germs end up back there in the brain, it can cause inflammation in the brain, sometimes resulting in brain abscess. This is incredibly rare but can cause serious problems for people with weak immune systems. So next time, just trim it.”

Users commented on the initial simulation video to say that not only is it ‘interesting knowledge’, but it’s also ‘trauma and fear’.

Well, there you go lads, don’t pluck, trim.Featured Image Credit: YouTube/@zackdfilms

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