World’s Oldest Crocodile Has Over 10,000 Children And 6 Girlfriends

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When an individual turns 100, it’s a moment that is celebrated by friends and family. Perhaps that is why so many are excited about the age of Henry, the world’s oldest crocodile.

On December 16, Henry celebrated his 124th birthday. According to reports, he was born in the year 1900 and he continues to go strong today.

Despite the fact that he is well over a century old, Henry continues to have six girlfriends. He has also been quite prolific over the years and has more than 10,000 offspring.

Perhaps one of the things that Henry is known for more than any other is his huge size. The crocodile, who lives in South Africa is 16 feet long and is officially the oldest crocodile in the world.

One of the claims to fame for Henry is that he attacked a number of young children when he was younger. That was early in the 20th century, but he seems to have moved on since that time.

It’s also interesting to note that he is not the largest crocodile, despite being the oldest. That record belongs to Cassius, a seawater crocodile captured in 1984.

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