Japanese Illustrator Imagines A World Where Humans Live Among Giant Animals (30 Pics)

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On the internet, a mysterious “Japanese” artist goes by the alias Ariduka55 and creates images from another completely fascinating planet in which large animals live and evolve alongside “hoomans”. Small creatures, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and owls, can be as large as a three-story structure.

The artist seems to enjoy drawing soft and beautiful creatures such as pandas, rabbits, and dogs… Although it is clear that he enjoys cats. His pictures have an airy and tranquil aura, with story elements woven throughout. Many illustrations show soft sunshine filtered via plants or windows.

The Japanese term komorebi (木 漏 れ 日) aptly expresses the splendor of sunshine flowing through tree leaves.

More information at ariduka55.tumblr.com | pixiv.net | amazon.com


Challenging the human to finish what he has to do.


This cat masters the art of camouflage


This cat does not want to be hugged when its owner comes home


Japanese farmers used to honor wolves and leave offerings to protect their crops from deer and wild boar.

Via: The Lost Wolves Of Japan (Brett L. Walker, 2005)


If you can take a nap on a huge ball of hair, surely you will not be able to finish the job.


They try to get the cat out of its hiding place to get it a home


This Tanuki is a raccoon dog that differs from the typical raccoon in several ways, and they are now emblems of giving in Japan.


Black cats mean good luck in Japan and much of Asia


The fox represents the god Inari, one of the foremost of Shintoism.

via: tofugu.com


Nothing like sleeping with furry friends


The spirits of the dead are believed to take the form of a butterfly when they travel to the next world.

via: thejapaneseshop.co.uk


The rabbit in Japan is identified with the Moon


Bluebirds seem to get along well with cats.


Feline hiding from the sun




The cats are said to give good luck, proof of this is the famous figure of the maneki-neko

via: kcpinternational.com





This hill is actually a Shiba inu dog, a treasure for the Japanese

Via: japanesecreations.com







Owls, like cats, are symbols of good luck and offer protection from suffering

via: owlcation.com




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