20 Blobby And Friends Comics Shows Messages Of Positivity And Self-Love

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Michelle, an artist, is the creator of the web comic series Blobby and Friends. The adventures of Blobby and his friends are the focus of this comic book series. A friendly blob fish is called Blobby. She is a talented artist who uses humour and thoughtfulness to raise awareness of significant social issues like racism, homelessness, and body image. She also depicts relatable scenarios from daily life, such as awkward moments and friendship struggles.

The artist spreads messages of self-love, acceptance, and positivity. She conveys emotions through expressive characters in her cartoony creative style. Blobby and Friends Draws Serious Comics, But They Also Have Endearing Moments That Will Warm Your Heart. She Has 485,000 Followers On Instagram, Which She Uses To Reach An Audience Of People Who Enjoy Her Comics. Enjoy A Few of Her Finest Comics Together.

Credit: Blobby And Friends

For More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

#1. Life Is A Journey

#2. Outfit

#3. Leave Her Alone

#4. What Goes Around Comes Around

#5. Correct

#6. Being Social

The creator has expressed interest in using comics to start conversations and spread awareness. Comics were her chosen medium since she has a lifelong passion for creating characters and stories. She Also Used Online Comic Communities, Courses, And Tutorials To Learn And Improve Her Skills. She is able to create such amazing comics for her fans as a result.

#7. Soul Mate

#8. It’s Not As Bad As It Seems

#9. Who Sets These Standards Anyway?

#10. Live Stream

#11. Social Media Can Really Make You Feel Good About Yourself

#12. Good Look

#13. I Can’t Imagine A Different Ending 

#14. Holiday Party

Monkey, Lily, Roly, Ashley, and Punk Kid Characters Are The Subjects Of Her Comics. Her comics typically highlight the gang’s everyday imperfections while addressing realistic themes like friendship, maturation, and social interaction. People consistently find her comics humorous and agree with her points of view as a result. If You Like These Kind of Comics

#15. Just My Take

#16. For All The Artists Out There

#17. Know That Feeling?

#18. Unzipped

#19. This One Actually Happened To Me

#20. Necessary

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