A 18 year old girl tells her Mum

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An 18-year-old girl nervously confides in her mother that she has missed her period for the past two months. Alarmed and filled with concern, the mother rushes to the pharmacy and purchases a pregnancy test.

When the results come back, they confirm her worst fears: her daughter is pregnant.

Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, and heartbreak—the mother erupts, shouting, “Who was the pig that did this to you? I demand to know!”

In response, the girl picks up her phone and makes a call.

A mere half-hour later, a sleek AMG Mercedes pulls up outside their home. Out steps a distinguished man with salt-and-pepper hair, impeccably dressed in a tailored Armani suit. He strides confidently to the front door and enters the house.

Taking a seat in the living room alongside the father, mother, and daughter, he addresses them calmly, “Good morning. Your daughter has informed me of the situation.”

With a serious demeanor, he continues, “I regret to say that I cannot marry her due to my own family circumstances, but I am here to take full responsibility for my actions. I will cover all expenses related to this situation and ensure your daughter is supported for the rest of her life.”

He pauses for a moment, then elaborates on his intentions: “If a girl is born, I will leave her two retail stores, a townhouse, a beachfront villa, and a $2,000,000 bank account. Should a boy be born, my legacy will include several factories and a $4,000,000 bank account. And if twins arrive, each will receive a factory and $2,000,000.”

Finally, he addresses the emotional turmoil he has caused, saying, “To compensate for the social embarrassment and distress my actions have brought upon you, I would like to offer you $1,000,000 in compensation, along with my private yacht and a penthouse on the Gold Coast for your use at any time.”

After a brief pause, he adds, “However, in the unfortunate event of a miscarriage, what would you suggest I do?”

At this point, the father, who has been silent throughout the discussion, leans forward, places a firm hand on the man’s shoulder, and responds with a mix of disbelief and anger, “You better hope she doesn’t have to deal with any of this again.”

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