An officer’s kind action makes a young boy’s day.

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A chance meeting between an interested police officer and a young business owner has warmed hearts and shown how community policing can help.

Officer Perez asked Landen about his business goals at the start of their short chat. The boy was very excited to talk about his wish to buy blue sneakers for school. Officer Perez seemed to have been moved by what they had said as they split ways.

To everyone’s surprise, Officer Perez came back to the lemonade stand with a gift: a brand-new pair of blue sneakers. There was happiness on Landen’s face, and his grandma, Wendelyn Narvaez, caught it on camera.

Narvaez was thankful on Facebook and thanked Officer Perez for treating her grandson like a king. The post got a lot of attention right away because it showed how kind the cop was. A few days later, Narvaez posted a picture of Landen wearing his new sneakers with pride.

Ansonia Police Chief Wayne Williams praised Officer Perez’s good act and said that officers like him show what the department stands for. This story is a good reminder that even though the news is mostly bad, many police officers work hard to make their neighborhoods better.

This positive experience makes us want to share more stories about how police officers are kind and make a difference.

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