20 Funny, Odd Comics Full Of Dark Twists That Prove Everything Is Possible

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Dark humour turn everything into an amusement, just as wonderful spices make food more flavorful. Don’t you think most cartoons today struggle to leave lasting impressions in our heads without such crazy humour? exactly! If you wish to brighten up your dull days, it’s time to meet Tony Esp, a prominent cartoonist with a wicked sense of humour! Trust us! No matter how difficult your life is, his cartoons will always make you laugh until you cry!

Tony Esp is a Mexican artist who created comics in 2016. He once read an animated series called “Rosiana Rabbit” by Alex Dempsey, which motivated him to begin his artistic career. Most of his twisted notions occur unexpectedly and sometimes stem from his personal life. “I don’t have a specific art style for my comics, so definitely my weird comics.” His one-of-a-kind creations move fluidly from a healthy family to the terrifying unusual, even baffling himself with astonishing eccentricity. “If I had to describe them, I would say: WTF,” he said.

Tony Espp is a firm believer in the “death of the author” theory about direct ideas. He mentioned that finding a decent joke was the most difficult aspect of making storyboards. As previously stated, his mind is constantly full of jokes, and he could spend a year and a half sketching them all if they weren’t so useless. Despite facing numerous challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, the artist never considered abandoning his intense passion for the arts. “If you wait for things to get better before you start, you won’t get anything done.”

Tony Esper feels that whether his readers like or dislike his work is less important than how much attention they receive. Let us know if you’re already feeling stimulated, and get ready to download 20 small odd bars of his most popular cartoon below! If you want to see more, simply follow him on social media! Enjoy and have a good day.


#1 Me Being Happy

#2 “Nice try, but i know the real doctor doesn’t wear pants.”

#3 “Ight bro imma keep this……….for research.”

#4 You’re Not The Father!

#5 Untouched Leftovers

#6 “Nobody cared who I was till I put on the mask.”

#7 Still Not Pregnant Tho

#8 “Why have you forsaken me mother!!

#9 “Take sometime to relax take care of yourself.”

10 The Truth

#11 Never Go Past Your Bedtime

#12 “I wish I had friends to play smash with.”

#13 Watch Out!

#14 “Seriously kids this days, don’t even know what respect is.”

#15 “What do you mean the company is going bankrupt!!”

#16 The Reencounter

#17 “Drawing hands is hard, so I’m constantly trying to avoid them.”

#18 Heartbeat

#19 Running Late

#20 “Love comes in unexpected ways so don’t be a fool click that link!”

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